
I came out here to find myself and explore a culture different from my own. I struggle with the fact that I am a tourist and wondering if I’ll ever see acceptance. It’s an odd balance. I spent a lot of time yesterday thinking how to live here and earn money, Thoughts racing.

Korea allowed for a lot downtime whereas here I pretty much dread staying in my room. Although sometimes I get bored aimlessly walking about the city I instead I just want to chill watching tv once again it’s an odd balance. Why journey anywhere just to watch tv? I know that I am a tourist I acknowledge my existing here is temporary, but it doesn’t mean I have to treat it like that entirely. I spent the last few days trying to memorize the fastest subway to walk path home (my hotel I’m not editing it, but this is an acknowledgment of my referring to it as home) and other things that allow me to have a metaphorical grip on this experience. Like maybe I’m trying to recapture what I had in Korea, not sure. I just know I had to be a lot more self-reliant here which meant I couldn’t lag around in trying to figure out what I needed to. I got time not a lot, but I do have some. I want to feel welcomed and I guess in my mind is checking off things I think would get as close to that before going home.

I dislike tourist spots mostly because they are the “most crowded” with people with their camera and whatever else anti-social media social media using it to bolster the flames of your ego thoughts that pop into my head when I’m at the same time expressing myself on social media in a similar fashion. But to be honest none of it matters or makes for better or worse experience its all up to how you interact with your environment and internalize it. It’s like snowflake they look similar, but all have a different design. I’ll tell you in three weeks if it was all worth it or not




The featured image is the 1st photo I took in Akihabara well known for its shopping, games, computers and all things anime

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